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What is a permanent wheelchair ramp?

What is a permanent wheelchair ramp?

Published on Monday 14th June 2021

A permanent wheelchair ramp is a system that is fixed to the ground, does not move, and provides a gradual incline over a threshold.

A permanent wheelchair ramp is a system that is fixed to the ground, does not move, and provides a gradual incline over a threshold.

permanent wheelchair ramp permanent wheelchair ramps 
Different applications will require permanent wheelchair access, including:
  • Schools.
  • Public buildings such as hospitals, theatres, stations, airports and leisure centres.
  • Nursing homes.
  • Homes where the occupant is a lifelong user of a mobility aid, e.g. scooter, wheelchair, powerchair or walker. 
wheelchair access in the home  wheelchair access at a pub wheelchair access to a leisure centre
Various material can be used to create permanent wheelchair ramps, including metal, concrete, and timber
Each material has its own benefits; however, a permanent modular ramp is popular due to its adjustable design, allowing it to suit different areas, buildings, and applications. 
Our modular system is bolted together with feet that are fixed into the ground to keep it permanently in place. It can also be easily dismantled when no longer required.
The legs are adjustable to suit different threshold heights, and components come in various sizes, lengths, and widths. Plus, platforms can be designed in both straight-through and turning configurations. 
 permanent wheelchair ramp drawing

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Rapid Ramp

Riverside Works, Church Ln, Etchingham, TN19 7AS

8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday