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How To Create An Accessible Workplace For Disabled People

How To Create An Accessible Workplace For Disabled People

Published on Monday 25th July 2022

There are countless reasonable adjustments that employers can and must legally implement to create an accessible workplace for disabled people. Ultimately, improvements are made to empower the disabled workforce and to help individuals efficiently accomplish the day-to-day requirements of their job role.

There are countless reasonable adjustments that employers can and must legally implement to create an accessible workplace for disabled people. Ultimately, improvements are made to empower the disabled workforce and to help individuals efficiently accomplish the day-to-day requirements of their job role.

Furthermore, when the 2010 Equality Act replaced the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), it now places greater emphasis on employees and service providers to proactively make these 'reasonable adjustments'.

Part M and K of the Building Regulations also does legally require employers to make physical access modifications to public buildings such as offices. 

Positively, there were “4.8 million disabled people in employment” in the “1st quarter of 2022 in the UK” and certainly, having an accessible workplace continues to have an essential role in helping sustain the success rates of disabled people remaining in employment. (Government hits goal to see a million more disabled people in work, Department for Work and Pensions and Chloe Smith MP, 17 May 2022).

What types of adjustments are considered reasonable?

General modifications can be achieved, and, in some cases, further bespoke alterations are required depending on the specific needs of the disabled employee. 

Some suggestions include:

- Removing physical barriers such as steps that will prevent wheelchair users from accessing a building

A ramp can be installed, and a system such as a modular steel ramp will allow for the addition of a step unit.  Please note that a fully compliant ramp or compliant step unit must achieve a minimum width of 1500mm and often can accomplish a minimum gradient of 1:15 or 1:20 is frequently specified.

The maximum gradient that your ramp can reach is determined by the change in rise (aka the height) to overcome.

If the maximum gradient has been reached, a resting platform must be provided to allow the user to pause, as they may become tired and out of breath.

Diagram – The relationship of ramp gradient to the going of a flight

 These guidelines are covered in Document M & K of the Building Regulations. >>Further Information on The Fully Compliant Ramp System<<


-  Request a quotation for a modular ramp or steps

Rapid Ramp can provide you with free quotations and complete on-site assessments. Request a quick quote or email [email protected] with the full project address, drawings, photos and contact details.

Widened external and internal doors to accommodate users with mobility aids. 

Document M, Volume 2 states that accessible doors should be wide enough to allow various individuals to use, including wheelchair users, people with assistance dogs, those carrying luggage, parents with small children and pushchairs (including double buggies that are wider than wheelchairs). 

Please note that revolving doors are not considered accessible by the regulations. >>Further Information Accessible Door Widths<<

Ensure buildings have wheelchair-accessible escape routes and guarantee the fire doors are “suitably located to protect from the effects of fire" (p12, Performance, Requirement B1: Means of warning and escape). 

A fire safety inspector will be able to determine where a wheelchair-accessible fire door can be achieved, and often an accompanying ramp is necessary.

They will consider factors including the flow of traffic through the building and the number of daily users, including how many of those are disabled or have a physical or mental disability.

- On the topic of fire safety considerations, visual alarms, i.e., a flashing light to supplement audible fire alarms, can assist the deaf and hard of hearing. 

 Installing an accessible toilet & changing facility. These are specially designed to better accommodate people with physical disabilities and those in wheelchairs. Please note that accessible toilet facilities should provide enough room for both the disabled user and an assistant. 

Invest in assistive technology for employees with specific learning difficulties, e.g. Dyslexia or Dyscalculia.

The software can include: 

  • Text-to-speech software
  • Screen readers
  • Screen magnifiers

What funding is available to assist with the costs of improvements?

A government grant such as Access to Work can help provide practical and financial support for employees who have a disability or long-term physical or mental health condition.

It is assessed on a case-by-case basis, considering the applicant's eligibility and needs. Plus, the applicant must have a paid job or is about to start or return to one. 

The grant may cover 100% of the funding, or it could be shared with the employer. For example, if the employee has been working for the company for more than six weeks when they apply for the grant; the employer may have to assist financially towards any adaptations or aids.

The level of grant offered will depend on:

  • Whether the person is employed or self-employed
  • How long they have been in their job
  • The type of help required

Please note that there is a different system in Northern Ireland. >>Further Information on Access To Work Grant<<


Government hits goal to see a million more disabled people in work’, Department for Work and Pensions and Chloe Smith MP, 17 May 2022

‘Equality Act 2010: guidance’, Government Equalities Office and Equality and Human Rights Commission, 27 February 2013

‘Protection from falling, collision and impact: Approved Document K’ Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, 3 January 2013

‘Access to and use of buildings: Approved Document M’, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, 7 June 2021

'Fire Safety Design for Schools', BB 100, Department for Education, Crown Copyright 2021


Rapid Ramp

Riverside Works, Church Ln, Etchingham, TN19 7AS

8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday