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Can You Construct A Pedestrian Bridge Ramp?

Can You Construct A Pedestrian Bridge Ramp?

Published on Thursday 6th October 2022

Our system can be adapted into a pedestrian bridge ramp, capable of overcoming obstacles like pipes, cables, manholes, drops, or variations in floor heights.

Our system can be adapted into a pedestrian bridge ramp, capable of overcoming obstacles like pipes, cables, manholes, drops, or variations in floor heights.

The system is constructed from modular components, that come in various sizes, lengths, widths and configurations to suit different areas and applications.

Plus, When installed correctly, the ramp has a safe loading capacity of 1,000kgs and can safely support high volumes of public footfall, wheelchairs, prams, bicycles, mobility scooters and trolleys.


Quotations can be returned within 24hrs if there is clear information given, including project address, drawings, photos and contact details

Success Stories

Waste Pipe Project, Chelmsford

Temporary pipes were scheduled to be installed above ground whilst major repairs occurred underground.

To prevent the works from blocking access routes to a public park and housing estate, a temporary access system would be installed over the pipes. >Click For The Full Case Study<



Lorry Park, Kent

The park delivers customs and document checks on cross-channel lorries.

The external cabling and pipework were physical barriers blocking wheelchair user access to the welfare cabins and offices.

A bridge ramp was needed to sit over the items. >Click For The Full Case Study<



Western Access Boundary

A temporary pedestrian ramp was required from the west boundary entrance into the lower building site throughout the duration of the motorway expansion project. >Click For The Full Case Study<



Rapid Ramp

Riverside Works, Church Ln, Etchingham, TN19 7AS

8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday